I am not affiliated with them in any way. I'm just sharing what I experienced so that it might help you.
This past week, in an attempt to help my daughter find suitable employment, I turned to Nextdoor, a private social network where posts are made to your own neighborhood. I was surprised and encouraged by how quickly people in my own community responded to help me.
- A woman responded thanking me for the gracious and honorable way I described my daughter.
- Another told me where her nephew with autism had found work.
- One woman promised to explore opportunities in her place of work.
- A man called and talked with me candidly for an hour about his own hidden disabilities and how his life and career have been impacted through the years. He now teaches vocations and invited us to explore educational options through his contacts.
- Another offered a job lead. Yet another shared where we could sign up for help with job leads for adults with disabilities.
- One family shared how their daughter with similar disabilities was at the same juncture in life and also struggling.
Another offered to pass our need on to her contacts. She is an ADHD life coach, a woman with ADHD herself. Who knew such a thing existed? She described her profession like this:
“We are life coaches specifically trained to work with people affected by ADHD symptoms...Which is not the same as traditional life coaching. We work on systems and strategies to manage the challenges presented by this unique brain wiring. Beginning with helping them understand why areas like organization, time management, relationships, communication, etc...Are challenging to begin with...”
She is trained through ADD Coach Academy. She works locally or nationally, as coaching can be done via phone or Skype, depending on what works best for the client. If interested, Terri can be reached via email.
This morning I’m not feeling alone, even though technically our circumstances have not changed since yesterday. My daughter is still unemployed. But we have a path forward.
That’s the power of community.
Find yours!