Minds are changed by modeling a better way, through the expression of love and acceptance. Vitriol and call-out-spotlights alienate and trigger pride, an invitation for oppositional heels to dig in, a breeding ground for hatred and resentment.
We all have opinions. Strong opinions. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is laden with delectable fruit, branches weighted low enough for even the simpleton to reach to pluck “right” and “wrong” from its boughs. Dead-right ingested does nothing to strengthen bones.
But the Kingdom of God offers a better diet, nourishment from the Tree of Life. In Christ is Life, Love, Humility.
Christ came that we might have Life— life abundant. He supplies fullness of joy at His right hand, in life-union with Him... and access to the Wisdom of our Father, the mind of Christ and the counsel as well as the comfort of the Holy Spirit.
Reach higher for the peaceable fruit of righteousness.