I bummed a ride home and kept my appointments in my rear-wheel-drive car that lives in the garage in cold weather. One of my dates was with God, parked on a hillside along an undeveloped street overlooking the city to pray. I was quickly reminded why my vehicle lives in the garage.
I got stuck.
Two cars stranded on the same day.
Do you ever feel like that? The words we say don’t come out right; the ways we tried to help blow up on us. We got harsh with the children. The things we touch, break. We strand both cars on the same day. Old tapes engage reminding us how stupid we are, how incapable, how unlovely.
But it is a lie. A perfectly timed lie, attempting to align with circumstances to lend the message an air of authenticity. It is a lie designed to separate you from the all encompassing love of God for you, unconditional love.
I am writing to remind you of your beauty. Today. No matter what happened, no matter how you failed, or what you did not accomplish. You are loved.
“Love is a safe place of shelter...”
1 Corinthians 13:7 TPT